
Abhivyakti-In marathi it means Sampurna Prakatikaran.That means Total Expression of Thoughts. At abhivyakti we intend to develop the stage for all the students of MIT to explore their talent in various feilds apart from Academics. Abhivyati intends to bridge the gaps between students so as make them accesible to each other to exchange ideas. Abhivyakti Is just not an Art Circle but a family in itself. So be active and make Abhivyakti a sucess

Friday, September 03, 2004

Online Registry!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Folks,

We have launched a website for Abhivyakti in addition to the blog ,
Where it is possible for you to register online.In addition to that there is also a detailed information on the topics and prizes.
Just follow the link
Online Registry



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