Abhivyakti Marathi Vaktrutva Spardha Prizes
First Prize Rs. 2000 and Trophy
Second Prize Rs. 1000 and Trophy
Third Prize Rs. 500 and Trophy
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Marathi Extempore
Prizes :
First Prize Rs.500 and Certificate
Second Prize Rs. 300 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 200 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Abhivyakti English Debate Prizes
First Prize Rs.1500 and Trophy
Second Prize Rs. 1000 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 500 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
English Xtempore - Be Prepared!
Prizes :
First Prize Rs.500 and Certificate
Second Prize Rs. 300 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 200 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Abhivyakti Revolution Against Remix Elocution
Prizes sponsored by Mr.Sanjay Tandon(Chairman,IPRS)
First Prize Rs.10000
Second Prize Rs.7500
Third Prize Rs.5000 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Special Prizes Sponsored by Career forum
Abhivyakti English Debate Prizes
First Prize Rs.1500
Second Prize Rs.1000
Third Prize Rs.500
Abhivyakti Marathi Vaktrutva Spardha Prizes
First Prize Rs.500
Second Prize Rs.500
Third Prize Rs.500
and lots more to be won.
For registrations mail us:abhivyaktimit@rediffmail.com
First Prize Rs. 2000 and Trophy
Second Prize Rs. 1000 and Trophy
Third Prize Rs. 500 and Trophy
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Marathi Extempore
Prizes :
First Prize Rs.500 and Certificate
Second Prize Rs. 300 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 200 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Abhivyakti English Debate Prizes
First Prize Rs.1500 and Trophy
Second Prize Rs. 1000 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 500 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
English Xtempore - Be Prepared!
Prizes :
First Prize Rs.500 and Certificate
Second Prize Rs. 300 and Certificate
Third Prize Rs. 200 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Abhivyakti Revolution Against Remix Elocution
Prizes sponsored by Mr.Sanjay Tandon(Chairman,IPRS)
First Prize Rs.10000
Second Prize Rs.7500
Third Prize Rs.5000 and Certificate
(Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants)
Special Prizes Sponsored by Career forum
Abhivyakti English Debate Prizes
First Prize Rs.1500
Second Prize Rs.1000
Third Prize Rs.500
Abhivyakti Marathi Vaktrutva Spardha Prizes
First Prize Rs.500
Second Prize Rs.500
Third Prize Rs.500
and lots more to be won.
For registrations mail us:abhivyaktimit@rediffmail.com